Whenever a controversy about the National Security Agency (NSA) arises among the cryptographic community, it resurfaces a question that has been open for 25 years: How were the NIST ECDSA curve parameters generated?

The Answer

tl;dr: The NIST ECDSA P-256 curve seeds are on a hard drive next to the Ark of the Covenant.

Update August 2024: Daniel Bernstein and Tanja Lange released emails in Appendix C of "Safe curves for elliptic-curve cryptography" from Jerry Solinas in 2015 which corroborate the post below. Here are excerpts of his responses:

D.J. Bernstein wrote on September 6th, 2014: "Out of curiosity, where _did_ you get the seeds for NIST P-256 etc.?"

Jerome A. Solinas responded over two emails:
"Interesting question. We built all the seeds via hashing (SHA-1, I think) from the ASCII representation of a humorous message. Unfortunately, we can remember neither the (exact) message nor the details of how we hashed. Too bad, since we could prove our innocence by disclosing the details, if only we could remember them."

"I believe there was a counter rather than multiple hashing, but I don't know details. The message was along the lines of "Give Bob and Jerry a raise" or "Bob and Jerry rule" or something like that. It was Bob Reiter who actually wrote the code, and he doesn't remember the details either. Nor were we able to find archives from so long ago. If they exist, they are no doubt sitting on a hard drive near the Ark of the Covenant."


ECDSA is the most widely used elliptic curve cryptography standard in practice. It originated in the 1999 ANSI X9.62 ECDSA specifications and was adopted by NIST in 2000 as part of the FIPS 186-2 Digital Signature Standard. Both specifications list a set of standard elliptic curves of varying sizes and security levels. For curves over prime fields, the specifications published a "seed" parameter whose hash value is used to define the other parameters of the curve. The provenance of these X9.62 seeds was questioned almost immediately on Usenet after publication in 1999.

These seed parameters were provided by the NSA and appear in the specifications with no explanation or justification. An example is the NIST P-256 curve seed: SEED = C49D3608 86E70493 6A6678E1 139D26B7 819F7E90. Why this value and not another? Revelations of NSA interference in cryptographic standards like Dual_EC_DRBG led to speculation of whether the NIST curve seeds could have been intentionally chosen with a weakness or backdoor known only to the NSA.

Who provided the seeds?

Neal Koblitz and Alfred Menezes wrote an excellent summary on this controversy, "A Riddle Wrapped in an Enigma", which discusses the history and concerns around the seed values. Prof. Menezes was also the primary author of the ANSI X9.62 ECDSA standard. I contacted Prof. Menezes about where the seeds originated and he definitively answered at least who provided them: Jerry Solinas from the NSA.

"Jerry Solinas did provide the seeds to me sometime in Fall 1997. At the time, I was the primary author of the ANSI X9.62 ECDSA standard, and Jerry was attending the standards meetings as an NSA representative. I don't know if Jerry selected the seeds himself, but in any case he was the person who contributed the seeds to the ANSI standards committee. (Jerry is the "NSA representative" mentioned on page 8 of my article with Neal Koblitz.)"

Jerry Solinas was a long time employee of the NSA who authored multiple cryptographic standards and RFCs. Based on Menezes' account, Solinas provided the curve seeds as part of the X9.62 standards meeting. Dr. Solinas providing the seeds had been mentioned in several secondary sources and it's the first time I've heard someone with direct knowledge corroborate it. Unfortunately, Dr. Solinas died in early 2023 without publicly saying how the curve seeds were generated.

How were the seeds generated?

We don't know and probably won't know unless we find some documentation or a contemporary of Jerry Solinas who directly knows. In 2018, I tried to submit FOIA requests to both NIST and the NSA for any documents related to the choice of elliptic curves over prime fields. NIST claimed they had no documentation and the NSA ceased responding. These requests could likely be improved and reworded to have a better chance of finding something:

Verifiably at Random?

Jerry Solinas' own RFC 4753 says that the NIST curve's groups were "chosen verifiably at random using SHA-1 as specified in IEEE-1363 from the seed". That method is outlined in IEEE 1363 Section A.12.4 and is paraphrased as:

  1. Choose an arbitrary bit string seed of bit length L.
  2. Compute h = H(seed).
  3. Derive the curve from h and test if it has prime order.
  4. Repeat if not.

Note that the IEEE 1363 specification, which Dr. Solinas directly said he used, does not specify that the seed S need to be random. Arbitrary means arbitrary.

The Lost Passphrase Story

Update August 2024: This story has been corroborated by emails from Jerry Solinas linked above.

I asked a few contemporaries of Jerry Solinas who were involved in cryptographic standards in the late 1990s. One person who has worked on several cryptographic standards and is unaffiliated with the NSA told me a relevant anecdote. They wished to remain anonymous:

"It was Jerry Solinas. I spoke to him about this very topic at least ten years ago [circa 2013]. [Jerry] told me that he used a seed that was something like:
SEED = SHA1("Jerry deserves a raise.")
After he did the work, his machine was replaced or upgraded, and the actual phrase that he used was lost.
When the controversy first came up, Jerry tried every phrase that he could think of that was similar to this, but none matched."

This corroborates hearsay from Dan Bernstein and Tanja Lange in these comments submitted to NIST:

"I have heard NSA employees claiming that the "random" inputs were actually generated as hashes of English text chosen (and later forgotten) by Jerry Solinas."

A third person who was affiliated with the NSA after Dr. Solinas' time repeated the anecdote, but heard it as a rumor repeated by someone else and did not have any direct knowledge.

Since posting this, a fourth person came forward saying that in 2013, Dr. Solinas recalled to them that the seed phrase had two names in it, like "Give Alice and Bob a raise.". Another source said that Dr. Solinas mentioned the phrase may contain a counter.

Does this contradict what Solinas said in his RFCs? I don't think so. If an "arbitrary" bit string is really arbitrary, a plain English phrase would suffice. That would technically be following IEEE 1363. You could hash passphrases until one generates a seed for a curve of sufficient order.

Summarizing all the rumors: The pre-seed phrases are English phrases which mention Jerry Solinas, possibly someone else, and possibly a counter. An example guess might be SEED = SHA1("Jerry and Bob need raises123").

Minghua Qu and the X9.62 Field2m Curve Seeds

In the appendix below, I pasted all the seeds from the September 20, 1998 version of the X9.62 specification. You can see that there are many that share repeated or bit-shifted byte values for Field2m curves. Specifically 4D696 E6768756 15175 is repeated in 8 seeds. This has been noticed multiple times before. These bytes are the ASCII encoding of the string MinghuaQu. Minghua Qu is a cryptographer who worked at Certicom at the time and is a co-author of Alfred Menezes on the MQV key agreement protocol. This is good evidence that the Field2m seeds are not based on hashes of any plaintext strings.

What next?

It's unsatisfying to have a few second-hand and off-the-the record anecdotes about how the seeds were generated. At the very least, it would be good to corroborate that the seeds are hashes of English phrases that were lost, either from documentation or someone with first hand knowledge at the NSA. One person to ask is Laurie E. Law, who was a co-author of Jerry Solinas on papers and RFCs from at least 1996 to 2011. I did not find any contact information for her and she is likely long retired.

A long shot chance is to try to bruteforce guess short English phrases and see if any collide with a seed from the specifications. If English phrases were used, there would have been many of them for all the examples in the X9.62 specification. IEEE 1363's method of generating curves was a trial & error approach. If might expect each pre-seed value to include a descriptor or a counter. However, the anecdote I heard claimed that Jerry Solinas tried remembering his own phrases after the fact and failed, so this is probably not worth the effort without more information.

Some open questions & comments:

Appendix: The Seeds

These are some selected seeds from NIST and X9.62. This has more comprehensive details and was filtered from a larger set of curve data at the Standard curve database.


ANSI X9.62

J.2.1 An Example with m = 191 (Trinomial Basis)
J.2.2 An Example with m = 239 (Trinomial Basis)
J.3.1 An Example with a 192-bit Prime p
J.3.2 An Example with a 239-bit Prime p
J.4.1 3 Examples with m = 163

Note: Notice the repeated and bitshifted values in these seeds. They were used to define curves over Field2163.

J.4.3 5 Examples with m = 191

Note: Notice the repeated values in these seeds. They were used to define curves over Field2191.

J.4.5 5 Examples with m = 239

Note: Notice the repeated values in these seeds. They were used to define curves over Field2239 and share bytes with those for Field2359.

J.4.8 An Example with m = 359

Note: Notice the values in these seeds share bytes with those for Field2239.

J.5.1 3 Examples with a 192-bit Prime
J.5.2 3 Examples with a 239-bit Prime
J.5.3 An Example with a 256-bit Prime

Selected seeds in JSON

    "name": "ANSI x9.62",
    "desc": "ANSI x9.62 example curves.",
    "curves": [
        "name": "prime192v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.1",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "3045AE6FC8422F64ED579528D38120EAE12196D5"
        "name": "prime192v2",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.2",
        "seed": "31A92EE2029FD10D901B113E990710F0D21AC6B6"
        "name": "prime192v3",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.3",
        "seed": "C469684435DEB378C4B65CA9591E2A5763059A2E"
        "name": "prime239v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.4",
        "seed": "E43BB460F0B80CC0C0B075798E948060F8321B7D"
        "name": "prime239v2",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.5",
        "seed": "0E8B4011604095303CA3B8099982BE09FCB9AE616"
        "name": "prime239v3",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.6",
        "seed": "7D7374168FFE3471B60A857686A19475D3BFA2FF"
        "name": "prime256v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "C49D360886E704936A6678E1139D26B7819F7E90"
        "name": "c2pnb163v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.1",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "D2C0FB15760860DEF1EEF4D696E6768756151754"
        "name": "c2pnb163v2",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.2",
        "seed": "53814C050D44D696E67687561517580CA4E29FFD"
        "name": "c2pnb163v3",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.3",
        "seed": "50CBF1D95CA94D696E676875615175F16A36A3B8"
        "name": "c2tnb191v3",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.7",
        "seed": "E053512DC684D696E676875615175067AE786D1F"
        "name": "c2tnb191v2",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.6",
        "seed": "0871EF2FEF24D696E6768756151758BEE0D95C15"
        "name": "c2tnb191v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.5",
        "seed": "4E13CA542744D696E67687561517552F279A8C84"
        "name": "c2tnb239v3",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.13",
        "seed": "9E076F4D696E676875615175E11E9FDD"
        "name": "c2tnb239v2",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.12",
        "seed": "2AA6982FDFA4D696E676875615175D266727277D"
        "name": "c2tnb239v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.11",
        "seed": "D34B9A4D696E676875615175CA71B920BFEFB05D"
        "name": "c2tnb359v1",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.18",
        "seed": "2B354920B724D696E67687561517585BA1332DC6"
        "name": "c2onb191v4",
        "desc": "A binary-field curve in optimal normal basis",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.8",
        "seed": "A399387EAE54D696E6768756151750E58B416D57"
        "name": "c2onb191v5",
        "desc": "A binary-field curve in optimal normal basis",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.9",
        "seed": "2D88F7BC545794D696E676875615175973391555"
        "name": "c2onb239v4",
        "desc": "A binary-field curve in optimal normal basis",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.14",
        "seed": "F851638CFA4D696E67687561517556513841BFAC"
        "name": "c2onb239v5",
        "desc": "A binary-field curve in optimal normal basis",
        "category": "x962",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.0.15",
        "seed": "2C04F44D696E676875615175C586B41F6CA150C9"
    "name": "NIST",
    "curves": [
        "name": "P-192",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.1",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "3045AE6FC8422F64ED579528D38120EAE12196D5"
        "name": "P-224",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "BD71344799D5C7FCDC45B59FA3B9AB8F6A948BC5"
        "name": "P-256",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "C49D360886E704936A6678E1139D26B7819F7E90"
        "name": "P-384",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "A335926AA319A27A1D00896A6773A4827ACDAC73"
        "name": "P-521",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "D09E8800291CB85396CC6717393284AAA0DA64BA"
        "name": "B-163",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "85E25BFE5C86226CDB12016F7553F9D0E693A268"
        "name": "B-233",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "74D59FF07F6B413D0EA14B344B20A2DB049B50C3"
        "name": "B-283",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "77E2B07370EB0F832A6DD5B62DFC88CD06BB84BE"
        "name": "B-409",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "4099B5A457F9D69F79213D094C4BCD4D4262210B"
        "name": "B-571",
        "desc": "",
        "category": "nist",
        "oid": "",
        "aliases": [
        "seed": "2AA058F73A0E33AB486B0F610410C53A7F132310"